
Get an Interview

Hello there shop owners! We're bringing a whole new feature to We♥Shops. We want to interview you, to get to know you personally. What's better than purchasing from shops we 'really' know! I feel more at ease shopping at a reputable business, so let's get a full interview and let your buyers know you on a more intimate level.

||During this interview we ask||
What is your business name and background {where and how did it erupt}?
When did you establish?
Where do you sell? What's the website and local shop address {if you have one}
What do you specialize in? What are your favorite pieces?
What are your inspirations?!
a secret no one knows about your shop
Share a little more about you, where you come from, what your obsessions are and what your dreams/goals are for your shop.
Who did you {or still do you} look up to when you were younger?
Where can we reach you?
include a discount code for We♥Shops Members {if you wish}

Your Interview does not have to be in this order, it can be however you'd like. We'd like to see a photo or two. We will be including several links to your shops, blogs, twitter/fb pages, etc.

Send all interviews to WeHeartShops AT aol DOT com 

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